ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
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Handling trolley for rolls (large packaging) up to 1000 kg
Category Other machinery, custom made special machines and subcategory Next special custom made machinery
Handling trolley for rolls (large packaging) up to 1000 kg - main photo 1105Trolley for transport and handling of large-roll rolls up to a diameter of 800 mm and a total weight of 1000 kg. The trolley significantly facilitates the transport and attachment of the roll to the quick-release clamps (snap-in bearings) on the machine. With integrated hydraulic lift and brake.

custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
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- Detailed description:
The cart is equipped with a pair of rails to help hold the roll on the cart surface. The truck is made in yellow signal color. Large wheels with rubber coating reduce noise when transporting the roll. The height of the loading area is adjustable by means of a foot-operated hydraulic lift. Height reduction with lever. The wheels are equipped with a brake to lock the truck in place.
- Technical specification:
Load capacity: up to 1000 kg
- Other photo:
Handling trolley for rolls (large packaging) up to 1000 kg - detail photo 1105

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