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Automatic tape divider DPR-4
Category Other machinery, custom made special machines and subcategory Next special custom made machinery
Automatic tape divider DPR-4 - main photo 1165The divider is intended for dividing tape according to pre-defined and user-changeable (USB import/export) recipes. An oval section and a pair of holes for the belt clip are created in the belt, and then a defined number of holes with a set spacing are placed in position. The end of the tape is finished with a straight cut or a cut to a point. The Kinco control system with a 7-inch touch screen allows remote management connection.

action Action custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
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- Detailed description:
The machine consists of the following parts:

- An unwinder controlled independently by a dancer with a pair of induction sensors, while the lower sensor creates a supply loop for the voltage-free thrust of the position motors, the upper sensor accelerates the unwinding.

- Input part with tape positioning within a tolerance of 0.3 mm (1600 imp. / 1 ​​turn), accuracy can be increased up to 10x. This rolling section positions the belt under the individual tools, while the positions are calculated using the PLC, according to the currently selected recipe. The position of the oval is defined by the center, while its distance from the actual beginning of the tape is defined in the recipe. The center of the oval is the bend of the tape, where the buckle is inserted and the tongue of the buckle passes through this place.

- The punch is designed as a punch guided on a pneumatic cylinder with a short stroke and high force. The waste from the holes falls into the drawer box at the bottom of the track. The holes are used not only on the buckle, but also as the middle part of the tape, where the distance of the first hole on the tape, the number of directs and their spacing are defined.

- The straight section defines the position of the tape with the first section 0 (origin). It is guided on a pneumatic cylinder against the pad / block. A straight cut always occurs, even if the recipe is set to an arrow cut. The straight cut occurs at the position of the total length of the tape.

- The cut to the tip is an optional part of the recipe. This is the most common tape termination when using a buckle. As with other tools, a pneumatic cylinder is used for guidance. The waste from the tip section is taken out into the drawer box.

- The ejector is controlled positionally just like the positional part
- Kinco control system with a 7-inch touch screen for recalling recipes, setting length, delay, speed incl. options for displaying the service and diagnostic menu. The display also shows error messages, the time to complete the operation, according to the set number of pieces, etc.

The system can be equipped with remote management for quick service intervention or fault diagnosis. Thanks to the Ethernet port, it is also possible to connect the system to the customer's Industry 4.0 system.
- Technical specification:
Max. installed machine power: 1.75 kW
Current system: 3 NPE TN-S
Control voltage: 24 V DC
Supply voltage: 400V AC, 50Hz
Max. compressed air operating pressure: 6 bar
Workplace noise: <75 dB
This machine answer all safety considerations and specification CR and EC!
- Other photo:
Automatic tape divider DPR-4 - detail photo 1165 Automatic tape divider DPR-4 - detail photo 1165 Automatic tape divider DPR-4 - detail photo 1165 Automatic tape divider DPR-4 - detail photo 1165

- Links:
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