ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
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RB-VP 1300 - vertical band saw for PUR
Category Machines for flexibile foam & other foam and subcategory Band saw for foam material
RB-VP 1300 - vertical band saw for PUR - main photo 398Massive four-wheels band saw with variable cutting height up to 1300 mm suitable for formatting and common cutting PUR. From economic to luxury version, according to customer's request.

custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
Online order is not possible
(please use E-mail form - demand)
Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
Electric motor with brake for blade drive, the brake is activated in the event of an emergency stop
Infinitely variable blade speed by frequency converter
Motor driven height adjustment column, scrolling in an exact straight lines
Motor grinding knives - very good sharpness
Digital display T-square distance from the knife
(absolute / incremental scale, zero initial value measurement)
- Technical specification:
Maximal cutting height: 1300 mm
Work table dimensions (l x w): 2750 x 3040 mm
Knife type: 15 x 8100 mm (No.: 02001051/8)
Size of stones: the tympanic dia. 80/20, p.40 mm
El. power: 3.5 kW
Current system: TN-S 3 NPE
Supply voltage, frequency: AC 400V, 50Hz
Proportions (l x w x h): 5200 x 3850 x 3000 mm
Height with extended guide: 4330 mm
Weight: 720 kg
- Other photo:
RB-VP 1300 - vertical band saw for PUR - detail photo 398

- Pertain to product:  OTHER BELT KNIVES FOR BAND SAWS, Other wetstone, Production new, repass magged wheels
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