ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
Slovany 3051
544 01 Dvůr Králové n.L.
VAT: CZ 27471489 (DIČ)
Mo-Th..7:00 - 15:00
Fr.......7:00 - 14:00
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fax: +420 499 621 124
Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS)
Category Accessories for production plants & machines (measure) and subcategory Expanding pneumatic shafts, safety and clamping shafts
Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - main photo 973Special solutions shafts with individual custom design, e.g. overhung mounted, separate sealed air tubes (PSW-F), shell constructing for winding w/o cores, stop limit ring etc. We delivery only to Czech Republic!

our tip Our tip custom made Custom made

Price: on demand
Online order is not possible, because
product has more subproduct (bottom)
Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
Note: foto is from model PSW-F-CFS!
From Ø 20 to 300 mm.
Form is here! (1Mb)
- Technical specification:
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- Other photo:
Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - detail photo 973 Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - detail photo 973 Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - detail photo 973 Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - detail photo 973 Special custom maded shafts (for example type PSW-F-CFS) - detail photo 973

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This list was printed from web pages ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ( ). All rights reserved. Please check recency always! Order or request at e-shop, by phome or fax, by e-mail. Please advice impact on environment before printing this.