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PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale
Category Hand held cutters, cutting machines & scissors and subcategory Sharpener, whetstone, grinder for cloth cutters and band knife saw
PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - main photo 982Coarse grinding wheel (100) for the popular Pragoděv band saw PŘS4, PŘS3, PŘS2 and RS1100 with an outer diameter of 50 mm, an inner hole with a diameter of 13 mm and a thickness of 10 mm. Price for 1 piece. A rare sale of above-standard stock of Czech-made saw blades (additional discounts for larger orders - see details).

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Cat. no. 03018001
Availability: At Stock (verify by e-mail)
Price: Eur 1.7,- net of VAT
Online order is possible
Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
When purchasing more than 100 pcs, including an additional 20% discount.
When purchasing over 500 pcs, including an additional 25% discount.
Another possibility of negotiating individual conditions.

The round grinder with the type designation 50x13x10 with a coarse grind (100) is particularly suitable for sharpening band knives for cutting textile materials with a normal edge.

Only a high-quality sharpener will ensure a high-quality grinding of the band knife of your saw.

It is not necessary to throw away the sander immediately in case of slight unevenness. In some cases, it is possible to align it with sandpaper placed on a flat surface. Pure alcohol can be used for cleaning. However, only use the sander when it is completely dry.

For more information, call + 420 499 321 109 or e-mail.

This promotion only applies to this type of grinder. We offer a grinder with a fine grind under a different item.
- Technical specification:
Abrasive: 100
Grain: white
Dimension: 50 x 10 x 13 mm
Packaging: plastic bag
Weight: 45 gr. / 1pc
- Other photo:
PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982 PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982 PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982 PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982 PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982 PŘS 4, PŘS 3, PŘS 2 (50 x 13 x 10 mm) - rough disc band saws whetstone - stock sale - detail photo 982

- Pertain to product:  PRS 4 - repassed, modification vertical band saw, Belt saw PŘS 4 - repased, Belt saw RS 1100 - repased,  Grinding mechanism for band saws (fully adjustable in three axes) - Pragoděv PRS4, RS1100
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