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Transfers machine, thermosublimating machine, transfer print, heat press

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Click to open Small transfer application machine AT-MT (manual label insertion)  larger
Open Small transfer application machine AT-MT (manual label insertion)  at official web site (new window)

Small transfer application machine AT-MT (manual label insertion)

This machine is fit for application small transfers (labels). High quality applicator with a lot of accessories (laser admeasurement, vacuum, positional pattern etc.). We modificate it by your option.
Tech. specification: Type: HQ transfer applicators, Manual positioning of labels | Proportions: 900 x 300 x 500 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 250 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 10 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 25 sec. | El. power: AC 230 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 6 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Proportion lower table: 300 x 300 mm | Max. transfers 110 x 55 mm | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: For transmission transfer from paper porter with hand merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time. AT-MT is single-operator machine with the pneumatic drive of the application head, manual positioning labels on product (on desk, movable desk or desk with vacuum). Quality components used this equipment represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. The equipment is suitable especially for the small series application of transfers. The quality of this model has been well-tried by many years of operation in production for the automotive industry. For faster aplication we recommende positional pattern. For transmission transfer from paper porter with msanual merging. With pneumatic components FESTO | Applicationhead with quick change system for die holding plates | Precision digital temperature regulation | Manual pressure regulatorOther options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | the basic version of this machine is supplied withhout all accessories (vacuum, laser etc.) |
Other accessories:
Basic modul of aplicator AT-MT Eur 6355.9,-
+ vacuum with movable desk for AT-MT Eur 1186.4,-
+ laser for AT-MT Eur 381.4,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 190.7,-
+ positional pattern Duo (for label and product) Eur 423.7,-
+ table with frame for AT-MT Eur 84.7,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materials from Eur 303,-
+ application form punch (shoes, ropes etc.) from Eur 593.2,-
from Eur 6355.9,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-1 M (manual labels instertion, heavy duty) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-1 M (manual labels instertion, heavy duty) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-1 M (manual labels instertion, heavy duty)

Heavy duty version of the transfer printing applicator designed for individual, manually inserted transfers. This machine is fit for industry use. Feedy aplication table with positional pattern is easy way for accurracy label positioning to material. Print to T-shirt, car seat, boat, shoes ... it is no problem for AT-1M.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators | Proportions: 900 x 900 x 1760 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 250 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 10 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 20 sec. | El. power: AC 230 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 280 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head. Manual label instertion to material before printing. Required adjustment values (time and temperature) can be set on a well-arranged control system panel that also displays current settings on display. Quality components represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. PLC with basic mono display for easy use. For transmission transfer from paper leaf with manual merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Other options available upon request: | vacuum feedy table for perfect material holding | basic application head | application head for relief materials | modifications for applications on special materials (formed bottom table), etc. |
Types and accessories:
AT-1M - transfer printing applicator (manual labels insterion, heavy duty) Eur 7627.1,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materialsation punch for relief materials from Eur 303,-
+ application form punch (shoes, ropes etc.) from Eur 593.2,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 190.7,-
+ positional pattern Duo (label + product) Eur 423.7,-
+ desk modification for quick pattern change Eur 381.4,-
+ vacuum feedy table for mat. hold Eur 1610.2,-
+ automatic value change (pressure, time, temp.) Eur 2542.4,-
+ pneu. el. desk position indexing Eur 508.5,-
from Eur 7839,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-1 ME (manual labels instertion, heavy duty, full el. version) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-1 ME (manual labels instertion, heavy duty, full el. version) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-1 ME (manual labels instertion, heavy duty, full el. version)

Heavy duty version of the transfer printing applicator designed for individual, manually inserted transfers with E modification. This machine is fit for industry use. Version E has desk indexation, automatical value change system, desk for quick pattern change. It is premium version of hand label inserting aplicators.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators | Proportions: 900 x 900 x 1760 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 250 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 10 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 20 sec. | El. power: AC 230 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 285 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head. Manual label instertion to material before printing. Required adjustment values (time, temperature and pressure) can be set on a well-arranged control system panel that also displays current settings on display. Quality components represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. PLC with basic mono display for easy use. For transmission transfer from paper leaf with manual merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Other options available upon request: | vacuum feedy table for perfect material holding | basic application head | application head for relief materials | modifications for applications on special materials (formed bottom table), etc. |
Types and accessories:
AT-1ME - transfer printing applicator (manual labels insterion, heavy duty, el. v.) Eur 14830.5,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materialsation punch for relief materials from Eur 303,-
+ application form punch (shoes, ropes etc.) from Eur 593.2,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) from Eur 190.7,-
+ positional pattern Duo (label + product) from Eur 423.7,-
+ vacuum feedy table for mat. hold from Eur 1610.2,-
from Eur 14830.5,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-3 (automat. unreeling) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-3 (automat. unreeling) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-3 (automat. unreeling)

Applicator of transfers with automatic labels unreeling, basic PLC with monochromatic display for quick operate and machine setting. Vacuum table for precision product insert.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators | Proportions: 950 x 1500 x 1780 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 300 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 20 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 20 sec. | El. power: AC 400 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 415 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head, automatically unwound spool with transfers. Required adjustment values (time and temperature) can be set on a well-arranged control system panel that also displays current settings on display. Quality components represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. PLC with basic mono display for easy use. For transmission transfer from spool with automatic merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Other options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | modifications for applications on special materials (formed bottom table), etc. |
Types and accessories:
AT-3 E - transfer printing applicator (aut. unreell) Eur 25423.7,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 207.6,-
+ application punch for relief materials from ur 360.2,-
+ application form punch (shoes, ropes etc.) from Eur 593.2,-l
+ laser gauging Eur 381.4,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 233.1,-
+ vacuum feedy table for mat. hold Eur 1610.2,-
+ pulleys and coil kit Eur 173.7,-
from Eur 25423.7,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-3 ME (automat. unreeling, full eletronic version) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-3 ME (automat. unreeling, full eletronic version) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-3 ME (automat. unreeling, full eletronic version)

Applicator of transfers with automatic labels unreeling, color touch screen and PLC for quick operate and machine setting. HQ table for precision product inserting. This machine is fit for quick labels and products change.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators | Proportions: 950 x 1500 x 1800 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 300 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 20 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 20 sec. | El. power: AC 400 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 420 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head, automatically unwound spool with transfers. Required adjustment values (time and temperature) can be set on a well-arranged control system panel that also displays current settings on touch screen. Version E can propotional change of air pressure with program change. Quality components represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. PLC with touch screen for easy use. For transmission transfer from spool with automatic merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Other options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | modifications for applications on special materials (formed bottom table), etc. |
Types and accessories:
AT-3 ME - transfer printing applicator (aut. unreell, El. version) Eur 28813.6,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materials from Eur 303,-
+ application form punch (shoes, ropes etc.) from Eur 593.2,-
+ laser gauging Eur 381.4,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 190.7,-
+ vacuum feedy table for mat. hold Eur 1610.2,-
+ pulleys and coil kit Eur 173.7,-
from Eur 28813.6,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-3 E-CAM (automat. unreeling, as E ver. + IR camera control) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-3 E-CAM (automat. unreeling, as E ver. + IR camera control) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-3 E-CAM (automat. unreeling, as E ver. + IR camera control)

Applicator of transfers with automatic labels unreeling, color touch screen and PLC for quick operate and machine setting. Aplication head (punch) and positional patterns with chip check match with set program. Ifra red camera for position and type of label verification.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators | Proportions: 950 x 1500 x 2400 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 300 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 20 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 20 sec. | El. power: AC 400 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 440 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head, automatically unwound spool with transfers. Required adjustment values (time and temperature) can be set on a well-arranged control system panel that also displays current settings on touch screen. Version E can propotional change of air pressure with program change. Quality components represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. PLC with color touch screen for easy work. Heads and patterns with special chip for label and product types control. For transmission transfer from spool with automatic merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Other options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | modifications for applications on special materials (formed bottom table), etc. |
Types and accessories:
AT-3 E-CAM - transfer printing applicator (aut. unreell, E + camera) Eur 73093.2,-
+ basic application punch with chip from Eur 194.9,-
+ application punch with chip for relief materials from Eur 315.7,-
+ positional pattern with chip (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 211.9,-
from Eur 73093.2,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-3 NC (automat. unreeling, fully automatic, NC)  larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-3 NC (automat. unreeling, fully automatic, NC)  at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-3 NC (automat. unreeling, fully automatic, NC)

A stationary, heavy-load applicator of transfers unwound from a spool with the automatic movement of inserted transfers and the precisely adjustable position of transfer application. With automatic unreeling from spool with transfers, with NC system and touch screen display for easy program change. One or two labels print per 1 cycle with brilliant accuracy.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators, NC controlled | Proportions: 1560 x 1170 x 1450 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 250 °C max. | Rate of head: cca. 25 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 15 sec. | El. power: AC 230 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 8 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 160 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator equipment with the pneumatic drive of the application head, automatically unwound spool with transfers and the position of application controlled by PLC with touch-screen. Quality components used this equipment represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. The equipment is suitable especially for the serial application of transfers. The quality of this model has been well-tried by many years of operation in production for the automotive industry. For fast aplication with raster and touch special software. For transmission transfer from chaff, print, on paper porter.For transmission transfer from paper porter with automatic merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.With pneumatic components FESTO | Applicationhead 70 x 100 mm with quick change system for die holding plates | Precision digital temperature regulation | NC control system | Pressure regulator a gauge | Automatic tape feedOther options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | the basic version of this machine is supplied with all accessories (vacuum hold-down, automatically controlled mobile desk) |
Types and accessories:
AT-3 NC - transfer printing applicator (aut. unreell, NC) Eur 39406.8,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materials Eur 303,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 190.7,-
od detail (from Eur 39406.8,- net of VAT
Click to open Transfer application machine AT-3 EOS (automat. unreeling, with carousel - high speed) larger
Open Transfer application machine AT-3 EOS (automat. unreeling, with carousel - high speed) at official web site (new window)

Transfer application machine AT-3 EOS (automat. unreeling, with carousel - high speed)

Applicator of transfers with automatic labels unreeling, color touch screen and PLC for quick operate and machine setting. Round rotary table (Carousel) with positional patterns is optimal for high accuracy and very high speed (1pc. label to 4,5 sec.). AT-3 EOS is machine without compromise. It is Formula 1.
Tech. specification: Type: Heavy-duty transfer applicators, carousel table with vacuum | Proportions: 1500 x 1600 x 2470 mm | Temperature (adjustable): 300 °C max. | Rate of head: 20 - 30 mm/sec. | Press time (dynamic): 1 - 15 sec. | El. power: AC 400 V / 50 Hz | Air Luft: max. 6 bar | Max. pressure: 3530 N (0,5 MPa / sec) | Weight: 680 Kg | Noise: < 75 dB | | - Note: To achieve better quality of applied transfers you should always use an application plates (punch) manufactured according to the dimensions of the transfers operated by you. This will eliminate the possible contamination of printed objects. Application plates (punch) are custom-made.
Detail: This is single-operator machine with the pneumatic drive of the application head, automatically unwound spool with transfers and the position of application controlled by PLC with touch-screen. Quality components used this equipment represents a heavy-duty machine with minimum maintenance required. The equipment is suitable especially for the serial application of transfers. The quality of this model has been well-tried by many years of operation in production for the automotive industry. For fast aplication with raster and touch special software. This machine has carousel table with vacuum system. For transmission transfer from chaff, print, on paper porter.For transmission transfer from paper porter with automatic merging. Application pursue: pressurized, at definite temperature, after definite time.Automatic tape feed | Carousel for high speedOther options available upon request: | basic application head | application head for relief materials | positional pattern | Ifra red camera (request before producing) |
Types and accessories:
AT-3 OS - transfer printing applicator (aut. unreell, carousel) Eur 76694.9,-
+ basic application punch from Eur 182.2,-
+ application punch for relief materials from Eur 303,-
+ positional pattern (1 pattern for 1 product) Eur 190.7,-
+ Ifra red camera Eur 8898.3,-
from Eur 76694.9,- net of VAT

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