Other unprofitable projects ( public relations)

We participate financially and technologically

See you

Regular practice for students

Trainees from schools

We regularly cooperate with the placement of students from vocational schools in the area, especially in the fields of electrician, electromechanic, turner, metalworker, locksmith, but also IT, etc. Only full practice will prove the student's readiness and familiarize him with practice. All students work under the supervision of a designated employee who guides and instructs them throughout the internship. The result is mutual satisfaction. We are pleased to be part of this project.

Procurement of breathing monitors for Trutnov hospital

Breath monitors for the Trutnov hospital

Our company made a significant contribution to the purchase of breathing monitors for babies born in the Trutnov hospital. The project Mommy is breathing was implemented for the children's department by the Krizovatka foundation. We believe that monitors will contribute to quiet moments of rest not only for babies, but especially for mothers.

We train to increase professionalism and knowledge

Educate yourself for growth in the Hradec Krlov Region! Reg. No. CZ.1.04/1.1.00/82.00008

Our company took advantage of the opportunity and thus we are educated with the contribution of the European Social Fund through the Human Resources and Employment Operational Program and the state budget of the Czech Republic. A basic welding course, English in business communication for beginners and advanced students or, for example, Marketing. This is a list of only some fields in which we have decided to improve our employees. We believe that employee education is the way to long-term satisfaction of you, our customers.

Printing and graphic editing of poetry collections

Snow Queen - a project to help a beginning writer

On the basis of a request, we complied with the unknown but very talented Miss A. Chrpova (Deborah C. Centaurea) in the publication of poetry collections. We carried out the basic editing of the text and its subsequent printing into neat notebooks of A5 size. Specifically, these are the Snow Queen and Crane collections.

Web development for the city Spa Dvur Kralove nad Lab. and Pension Lesni zatisi Mostek

Presentation project of Pension, hotel Lesn Zti Mostek and Mstsk Lzn Dvur Krlov nad Labem

As part of the cooperation of one of our employees with these entities, this assistance project was created. As part of our own direction, we then created internet presentations for these companies.

We support SafeTIC - a smart solution for employee control

SAFETIC (formerly EasyDentic) | Just Serenity

Our company uses SafeTIC technology, which ensures absolute control not only over your employees. A unique system with entrances using biometrically scanned fingerprints will ensure unprecedented possibilities. Don't know when employees go to work? How much time will they spend away from the company? Do they really keep their breaks? Don't have an attendance record system? Worried about your sensitive data? Do employees share smart cards? You can also find experience and a description of this system on our website Robexpedia.

We support the Small Animal Exhibition in village Zirec

Breeding exhibition Zirec

Our company has been supporting the exhibition in Zirec near Dvur Kralove nad Labem for a long time. This traditional exhibition (since 1968) is held in the local, now newly renovated, park and attracts many small animal exhibitors every year. You can see farm birds, pigeons, ornamental birds, rabbits, ducks and geese, chickens, roosters and hens. The exhibited animals are evaluated by an expert jury, and breeding animals can be purchased directly on the spot. Be sure to visit this exhibition with your children.

We support VANITAS - the book that will cost you your life

VANITAS - the book that will cost you your life

As part of supporting cultural life, we became partners for the promotion of the new book VANITAS by the author Eva Toulova. The book that will cost you your life was published on November 20, 2009. According to the dictionary of foreign words, the title of the book Vanitas expresses vanity, transience. This is also reflected in the story, but not only.

Creation and editing of a cycling guide (also used as a gift and presentation material)

Cycling guide creation project

As part of our direction, a copy of the cycle guide divided into several territorial units was created. These are detailed maps with our company cover. Graphic processing and editing was done by Mr. Dominik Robek, for which the entire company ROBEX DK, s.r.o. thanks This cycle guide will be used as a gift to our important partners.

Do you have an interesting project? Want to support?

If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us at any time.

Back link building, seo, our corporate identity

Corporate identity, advertising of our company, promotion

Corporate of our company

The company has developed complete documents and internal regulations for managing not only internal processes, but also managing external processes. in particular, this concerns access to the GDPR, any contractual confidentiality, the currently drafted business terms and conditions applicable to the business part of the company, while custom production is governed by a purchase contract or a work contract drawn up to suit a specific order. An integral part of our corporate identity is also the code of ethics valid for all employees (and owners) of the company.

As part of our activity, we publish some documents and graphic elements for further free use and distribution.

88px x 31px banners

Banner GIF with resolution 88 x 31 px Banner GIF with resolution 88 x 31 px Banner GIF with resolution 88 x 31 px Banner GIF with resolution 88 x 31 px Banner GIF with resolution 88 x 31 px


Graphics and textures

Do you need more materials?

If you are interested, please contact us at any time.

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